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Mindful Money
Welcome to Mindful Money!
Course Expectations
Best Practices
Required Learning
Get Your Mindful Money Journal!
Module 1: Know Thyself
The Sacred Science of Spirituality
The Art of Finding Oneself
Finding Oneself: PATH
Finding Oneself: PURPOSE
Finding Oneself: POWER
Homework & Check-in Quiz
Module 2: Elevate to Mindfulness
Intro to Meditation Video (4:39)
Intro Body Scan Meditation & Affirmations (10:37)
Workbook Exercise
Body Scan Concept Check
Module 3: Unlock Your Passion
Unlock Your Passion Intro Video
Passion Activation Meditation & Affirmations
Workbook Exercise
Passion Activation BONUSES!
Unlock Your Passion Concept Check
Module 4: Activate Your Superpower
Power Intro Video
Power Meditation & Affirmations
Passion Activation Meditation & Affirmations
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